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TRILLIONS Robin Wigglesworth

TRILLIONS Robin Wigglesworth - Penguin Books

    TRILLIONS Robin Wigglesworth

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    Robin Wigglesworth

    Penguin Books


    16 x 24




    Index funds are the most widely influential investment vehicles available. They have revolutionised investing by saving millions of people billions of dollars in fees that would otherwise have gone to fund managers. It is no exaggeration to say that the rise of passive investing is probably one of the most consequential financial inventions of the past

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    📚 OUTLET KSIĄŻKOWY – Małe skazy, wielkie okazje! 📚
    Książka może mieć drobne ślady magazynowania, takie jak:
    📌 lekkie zagięcia okładki,
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    ✅ Treść jest kompletna i nieuszkodzona – czytasz bez przeszkód!
    ✅ Pełnowartościowa książka – tylko okładka nosi ślady magazynowania.
    ✅ Świetna okazja na tańszą lekturę!

    Czytasz to samo, ale płacisz mniej! 🏷️📖
      TRILLIONS Robin Wigglesworth - Penguin Books
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      TRILLIONS Robin Wigglesworth

      Index funds are the most widely influential investment vehicles available. They have revolutionised investing by saving millions of people billions of dollars in fees that would otherwise have gone to fund managers. It is no exaggeration to say that the rise of passive investing is probably one of the most consequential financial inventions of the past half-century, by ...

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