During the past decade there has been a tremendous growth in daylighting analysis methods, allowing designers to meet ever higher standards. But in relying too heavily on these methods, there is a risk of reducing daylighting design to a quantitative exercise, overlooking the qualitative, aesthetic, and experiential aspects of design. This book reveals how
During the past decade there has been a tremendous growth in daylighting analysis methods, allowing designers to meet ever higher standards. But in relying too heavily on these methods, there is a risk of reducing daylighting design to a quantitative exercise, overlooking the qualitative, aesthetic, and experiential aspects of design. This book reveals how architects have bridged the poetic and practical potential of daylighting to create exquisitely illuminated spaces. In the book, 12 buildings are examined, using photographs, drawings, and plans. Each case study also includes technical analysis diagrams, specially created using specialist software. Featured architects include Renzo Piano, David Chipperfield, and Steven Holl. The Art of Architectural Daylighting will be invaluable for professionals and students alike.
czytaj więcej 📚 OUTLET KSIĄŻKOWY – Małe skazy, wielkie okazje! 📚
Książka może mieć drobne ślady magazynowania, takie jak:
📌 lekkie zagięcia okładki,
📌 ryski, przetarcia lub ślady po naklejkach cenowych,
📌 delikatnie uszkodzone rogi lub okładkę.
💡 Co najważniejsze?
✅ Treść jest kompletna i nieuszkodzona – czytasz bez przeszkód!
✅ Pełnowartościowa książka – tylko okładka nosi ślady magazynowania.
✅ Świetna okazja na tańszą lekturę!
Czytasz to samo, ale płacisz mniej! 🏷️📖