Katie Service has years of experience in the beauty industry, working as the Editorial Beauty Director at Harrods and with world-famous makeup artists such as Charlotte Tilbury, and top brands from Chanel to Tom Ford. Here, she shares her secret tips and tricks, giving you the low-down on which ingredients, products and procedures to adopt or avoid,
Katie Service has years of experience in the beauty industry, working as the Editorial Beauty Director at Harrods and with world-famous makeup artists such as Charlotte Tilbury, and top brands from Chanel to Tom Ford. Here, she shares her secret tips and tricks, giving you the low-down on which ingredients, products and procedures to adopt or avoid, whatever your skin type or budget.You’ll find advice on the essentials of good skincare, morning routines, ‘on-the-go’ products, evening regimes, SOS skin repair tips and dermatological treatments. Katie even decodes the ingredient lists and symbols on our beauty products, featuring case studies of global best-sellers, from Weleda Skin Food to Glossier Solution.Packed with first-hand insider knowledge and advice from experts in the industry, The Beauty Brief will have you thinking smarter – and looking better.
czytaj więcej 📚 OUTLET KSIĄŻKOWY – Małe skazy, wielkie okazje! 📚
Książka może mieć drobne ślady magazynowania, takie jak:
📌 lekkie zagięcia okładki,
📌 ryski, przetarcia lub ślady po naklejkach cenowych,
📌 delikatnie uszkodzone rogi lub okładkę.
💡 Co najważniejsze?
✅ Treść jest kompletna i nieuszkodzona – czytasz bez przeszkód!
✅ Pełnowartościowa książka – tylko okładka nosi ślady magazynowania.
✅ Świetna okazja na tańszą lekturę!
Czytasz to samo, ale płacisz mniej! 🏷️📖