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PRIMARY MUSIC BOX + CD Susannah Reed, Sab Will

PRIMARY MUSIC BOX + CD Susannah Reed, Sab Will - Cambridge University Press

    PRIMARY MUSIC BOX + CD Susannah Reed, Sab Will

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    Susannah Reed, Sab Will

    Cambridge University Press


    21 x 29




    Part of the popular Primary Copy Collection series, Primary Music Box contains songs to help teachers consolidate language learning in an appealing and memorable way. This collection of photocopiable song-based activities, with clear step-by-step instructions, helps teachers cater for different learning styles. Lesson plans are flexible and divided into

    Part of the popular Primary Copy Collection series, Primary Music Box contains songs to help teachers consolidate language learning in an appealing and memorable way. This collection of photocopiable song-based activities, with clear step-by-step instructions, helps teachers cater for different learning styles. Lesson plans are flexible and divided into steps to make time management easy. Whether you need a ten minute or whole lesson activity, this book has something for you!

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      PRIMARY MUSIC BOX + CD Susannah Reed, Sab Will - Cambridge University Press
      157,50 zł
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      PRIMARY MUSIC BOX + CD Susannah Reed, Sab Will

      Part of the popular Primary Copy Collection series, Primary Music Box contains songs to help teachers consolidate language learning in an appealing and memorable way. This collection of photocopiable song-based activities, with clear step-by-step instructions, helps teachers cater for different learning styles. Lesson plans are flexible and divided into steps to make time ...

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