Elton John and iconic photographer Terry O’Neill worked together for many years, taking in excess of 5,000 photographs. From intimate backstage shots to huge stadium concerts, the photographs in this book represent the very best of this archive, with most of the images being shown here for the first time.O’Neill has drawn on his personal relationship
Elton John and iconic photographer Terry O’Neill worked together for many years, taking in excess of 5,000 photographs. From intimate backstage shots to huge stadium concerts, the photographs in this book represent the very best of this archive, with most of the images being shown here for the first time.O’Neill has drawn on his personal relationship with Elton John to write the book’s introduction and captions.“ I’m so glad he was with us throughout the madness: in his evocative and stylish photos he captured those moments as no other photographer could.“ ELTON JOHN
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📌 lekkie zagięcia okładki,
📌 ryski, przetarcia lub ślady po naklejkach cenowych,
📌 delikatnie uszkodzone rogi lub okładkę.
💡 Co najważniejsze?
✅ Treść jest kompletna i nieuszkodzona – czytasz bez przeszkód!
✅ Pełnowartościowa książka – tylko okładka nosi ślady magazynowania.
✅ Świetna okazja na tańszą lekturę!
Czytasz to samo, ale płacisz mniej! 🏷️📖